It's been some time, hasn't it?Announcing the Somatic Pleasure Community!

It's been some time, hasn't it?Announcing the Somatic Pleasure Community!

James Humecky

Hi there!

I'm reaching out to you because you have been a long-time client, a business contact, family or a friend and have probably been on this list for a long while. I am so grateful to have been able to be a part of your life and self-care even if only for a small time.

This is a private list and if you choose to stay on it (there's an unsubscribe link below, no hard feelings!), you will receive the occasional update from me.

A Big Announcement!

I'm re-birthing my online presence to share with you my new website & community: Somatic Pleasure with James Humecky.

It's got my first initial courses on Somatic Thai Massage, link to my new social media presence, and primers on getting started in the realm of somatics.

If you sign-up for the newsletter or courses over at Somatic Pleasure, you will become part of my new community, where we discuss somatics and sensation-based awareness and meet in weekly video calls.

You'll also receive more regular updates from me covering my new content, courses, teachings, etc.

(Signing up today will give you free access to not only the "6 Days of Somatics" Primer, but my Introduction to Somatic Thai Massage mini-course as well!)

If you've ever been inspired or touched (no pun intended) by my work,

or just really just feel called to bring a somatic practice back into your life, at your own pace, then I invite you to check it out and sign up to my new e-mail list over there.

(I won't be spamming you about it unless you actively sign up, so please do!)

Feeling Inspired

These last 20-some years of bodywork, travel, teaching and study have taught me how to uncover and discover my own authentic being and my humanity on a level I never thought possible.

I hope that maybe some of that "rubbed off" (pun intended, this time) on you and you have benefited as well.

This last leg of my personal journey started with COVID and pretty much my whole business shutting down. This sent me into a deep dive into "just what the f#ck am I gonna do now and where do I want to go?"

I am turning 60 this year and I am stepping into a whole new phase - and it does feel like being 30 again - except I am waaaaay more grounded and balanced (and that’s saying a lot).

The Last Few Years

There is definitely too much to go into in this email, but the journey did include an 8-month van trek from Fort Bragg, California, to Savanna, Georgia.

During that time there were several trips to Hawaii, which included a two-month work/live period in a polyamorous, permaculture community. Then finally landing on Maui most of last year; that time coming to an end with the devastating fires that ravaged that little corner of paradise.

Oh, and don't forget a couple of months in Austin and Central Texas where I attended an Exit and Build conference as well as getting certified as a Surrogate Partner Therapist. (So many stories to tell!)

These last couple of years have been completely transformative and I have delved deeply into what some might call "shadow work" and have reached an understanding that the shadow is nothing more than that authentic self just waiting for permission to express.

Coming out of this time, I feel that some urge within me has been fulfilled and I have FINALLY organized 30 plus years of learning, teaching, and growing, and settle into what calls to me so deeply and to BE that authentically expressed person.

What I'm working on now

I am currently working with a small and growing team to bring Somatic Pleasure Coaching into the world! This is where you get to practice and experience Authentic Embodiment and Sexual Somatics.

AND you will find out more about my journey, what I learned during this decades-long growth process, and the amazing people I have met along the way.

All the work is centered around Sensation-Based Awareness, using the tools of Somatics - breath, touch, movement, and mindfulness - and many other tools that I have picked up.

I have endeavored to take this work from nebulous esoterica into a science and reality-based program that teaches you how to manage inner states, navigate this complex world, and hopefully become a better human being.

My mission is to do my part in advancing a global consciousness (re)evolution, one sensation-based moment at a time.

We will be launching near the end of May, and I will send out another newsletter that will give you the opportunity to sign-up and explore the offerings and coaching packages, including three high-level Thai Massage trainings, exploration into the nature and necessity of touch, Somatic Kink (I know, what the hell is that?), and finding the path to self-discovery, change, and growth through pleasure and the celebration of your hedonic, erotic nature.

Does that sound at least intriguing? Stay tuned as we launch into a (hopefully) new perspective of what it means to be YOU.

Visit to get started!

A request!

I am also asking for your help. If you have ever worked with me, I would love to hear from you and about your experience with. We have put together a very convenient way for you to leave a written or video testimonial here.

If you would like to have a live call with me so that I can help you through this process, please reach out or schedule a time here. It would be even more fun for me to interview you live.

Finally, for those that have their own life mission and platforms, let’s find a time to sit down and have a conversation about your work. As I heard recently, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to got far, go with a team.”

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Warm regards,
