The Hedonic Man
It's bigger than Love

The Hedonic Man

James Humecky

The following is a bit of a personal manifesto that came from a writing exercise that I had in Hawaii last year sometime. One of my team members found it in my portfolio and wanted me to publish it here. At first I balked hard... way too weird. Way too personal. Way too......add an adjective.....

Finally, with some modification, I'm feeling good to send this out. As I said in an earlier post.... stick with as I get some of the damned up words out to the world. I keep mixing it.


On not staying stuck

I am a heathen because I refuse to follow the traditional path of religions. In the earlier senses of the word being one who "dwells on the heath,” growing up in the wilds of Alaska, makes me a heathen by location.


I am a hedonist in the purest sense of the word. I want to experience all the pleasures of the world. And I truly want to live a life of sensation. And I want to create from a sense of pleasure.

I am in iconoclast. I do not except tradition as truth. In the shadowy aspect of iconoclasm, I will sometimes fight for no reason… always playing the "devil's advocate," (except I don't believe in the devil per se either).

I question the norm and conventionality. I have done my best to break free of the bondage of conditioning, religion, family and social mores.

I see the world not in polarities, but in a spherical shape of many variations on a theme. It's easy for me to see the similarities and commonalities of the people involved in a fight or a discussion.

In this way I feel and see myself as a bridge builder, and as a gateway for people to see a new perspective.

In this way I see myself as somebody who highly values unity, and is willing to use unconventional means to bridge the gaps and bring about change.

From a very young age I recognized that there was a truly different way of "doing life,” and it has been a lifelong exploration and journey to discover exactly what that means and to build the tools on how to get there.

In the years of considering what my authentic being wanted, I recognized that I want to be playful; something I sometimes find difficult to do when thinking of the importance and possibility of my impact on the world through my work.

Playfulness goes hand-in-hand with creativity, fun and pleasure. I have lived a truly hedonistic life; less formulaic, less dour, and less “therapeutic."

I have played with radical and unconventional means to awaken myself and others up into being fully authentic and primal… And human.

I feel at ease, comfortable, and confident in exploring alternative lifestyles and ways of being that allow me to express my true nature.

I have reached the point where I can confidently, and competently drop into my authentic nature and feel free to use the alternative tools to deepen my experience of life and help others find joy, and pleasure, and purpose.

I am a lover of sensation and it brings me pleasure to introduce the pleasures of discovering their full sensate body to others.

In that, I am a creator and a Sensation Artist. I am a Hedonic Mastermind, ready to fully dive into flow and the emergence of unknown possibilities.

I hold deeply the values of unity, exploration into the unknown, and bridging the gap between perspectives, between the conventional and the unconventional; this has been a guiding value my whole life.

And I value my physical being. It is the source of my pleasure and a great strength.

I value order, and clarity, and cleanliness, and minimalism, and beautiful things, and refinement…and love.

I value the power of everything I despise; my shadows, my hates, my conditioning, my habits, my addictions, my shame, and all the ways that I have denigrated myself, and separate myself from my true nature and creative power.

Dapper in Nicaragua