Welcome to my Personal Space!
Echo Amphitheater, Chama, NM, 2022

Welcome to my Personal Space!

James Humecky

Of late I've been on this journey of imagining my career, bringing all the years of experience, practice and teaching together with the joy, and the pain, and the love, and turning it into something that I hope benefits others.

But along the way, it's been easy to forget to take time to slow down and find some solace in my personal space.

This is my personal newsletter and blog, and I am glad to have this space where I don't have to talk about business. Here, I can just tell stories, share pictures, and connect with you in a very human way. That's what this space is about.

(If you're interested in learning more about my new coaching programs, and the various offerings and online courses, I invite you to check out my new website at Somatic Pleasure.

There, you can subscribe and receive a more informative and educational type newsletter, get some free gifts ("lead magnets"), and find out more about my courses and group coaching offers and... well, you get the picture. I do hope to see you over there!)

Random thought interlude:

Lead magnet! I love this terminology — lead magnet… lead magnet.. What an interesting term that means to be pulled in a particular direction maybe not exactly of your own choosing. It’s part of the made up language of modern marketing, to name the tools that help scale and monetize one's offerings. It's a bit funny, isn't it?

Now back to our regular programming:

Over the years, one of the places I would get stuck was in trying to do it all myself and not really understanding exactly how to get and manage at team of people so that I could actually birth this baby and grow my passion, creativity and career.

Now I got kind of a Dream Team of younger people working with me, and while I haven't asked for their permission to share their names yet, I look forward to introducing them to you here at some point.

Well, I guess I am talking about business to some extent, so I will keep moving down this path until I feel complete.

You see, this process has never been simply or only about how I am going to make more money, use my talents, and head gracefully into my 60’s. (I know.. right?)

It’s also about creating meaning and purpose.

It’s possibly leaving a legacy for my kids and grandkids (WTF!) and encouraging them to live fully, out loud, and with out reservation.

It’s about facing sometimes extreme challenges and taking the next steps forward until all that experience integrates and suddenly you wake up and know that you have changed.

In my next letter I'll be talking about the genius of deconstructing personal conditioning, and my experiences around that. (See what I’m doing here? ;) )

If you want to keep receiving this newsletter and stay updated on my life, you don't have to do anything.

If you prefer not to receive it anymore, simply click the unsubscribe button down below.

Thank you for your time, and if you ever want to revisit or reach out to me personally, all my contact information is right down the page.