Better than Perfection
Fire on the Mountain Makawao Hawaii

Better than Perfection

James Humecky

And (here’s the only sell), I will be leading a free webinar called Touch and Sensation Mastery, on Sunday, August 25 at 10am PST. You can check out the info here.

The Guru Grind

I don't care how spiritual you are, I don't care what processes you've gone through, your enlightenment experiences, your cathartic experiences, what guru you've studied or sat under or been blessed by...

Nobody, not even the most highly elevated spiritual teacher or guru in the world, has ever, or will ever, stop being human or bypass their humanity or somehow or another transcend their humanity.

Anybody that's selling you that kind of story or that kind of narrative is full of shit.

As soon as somebody says something about being able to transcend their humanity, or realizing they're "not their body," you just walk away from them because they're not doing you any favors.... at all.

It's incredibly paradoxical.

You're absolutely your body and you are more than your body.

How about that?

The idea of, "I am not my body, or "I am not of this world," is stifling to your ability to live freely. It is just another face on the plague of separation running rampant in this world, in this time.

You are more than that.

Accept your humanity, embrace it!

All the parts that you want to judge as good and bad.

All bits and pieces, parts and parcels, all the yummy stuff and all the icky stuff.

We're human, period.

And we're bigger than our singular self.

We are an expression of that which creates and that which is created.

We are that.

I love being human.

I love my humanity.

I love my mess.

And I love my divinity.

I don't differentiate between those things because it's all the same.

You can't be better than perfection, period.

Start from there.

Start from the fact that, or at least the idea that, you're perfect, whole and complete.

Start there.

And then..... and then start exploring those pieces that you know you can do better.

You know that you can take more responsibility.

You know that you can manage your reactions.

Start there and then go on to the next thing.

And then those places where we have been really harmed, often times just dissipate and smooth out…..they kind of disappear all together.

And from that place we can have the wherewithal and the centeredness, and the stability, and the foundation to manage that so that it doesn't just take us completely off the rails.

Whatever that is.

Start from the idea that you're perfect, whole and complete.

And you are that.

You are that.

You are that.

Nobody can give you that.

Nobody can bless you with that.

Nobody can hit you with a magic wand and suddenly you realize that.

Everyday you have the beautiful opportunity of self-discovery.

You have the beautiful opportunity of being human.